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Computerschach sightings

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:03 pm
by BB+
I found an issue (2/2011) of KARL that has a retrospective of Mainz, including Bits und Bytes in allen Modi by Eric Van Reem. It covers the early years with mensch/maschine matches (1997-2000), then the "960" versions therein (2004-6), and finally the "2007-2009 Dominator Rybka" at the end. [The unrelated "Schach und Computer" (Part III) section by Christian Hesse is merely about Deep Blue vs Kasparov, Game 6, Match 2, ending with the English quotation from GK: "After Game 5, I lost interest in the match."]

In the latest Schach-Magazin (7/2011), Anish Giri answered a number of questions about the digitale Welt. I'll try to excerpt some stuff . It seems that the August versions of the various German periodicals will be the ones to re-hash the Christoph Natsidis incident.