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Italian cheating case (2012-2013)

Posted: Mon May 11, 2015 6:46 pm
by BB+
Some may remember the case of Loris Cereda a couple years ago. Perhaps less known (and unreported in English, as far as I know, though the original case was covered on ChessVibes and other sites) is that his "lifetime ban" (or expulsion) sentence (which was applauded by Yuri Garrett [Italy], then Board Director of the ACP, for its toughness) is that the sentence was completely overturned on appeal in April 2013.
Visti gli atti di causa, sentite le parti, in totale riforma della sentenza 15/1/2013 emessa dalla Commissione Giustizia e Disciplina, proscioglie Loris Cereda dagli addebiti contestati.
The full 10 page decision is here. On page 9 it notes that many Italian sporting federations have recently adopted regulations, notably the sailing federation which, unless otherwise expressely provided, refers to the principles of procedural criminal law of the State(!). In any case, they note that the facts with Cereda do not even meet a much lesser standard of proof.

Re: Italian cheating case (2012-2013)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 12:24 am
by syzygy
BB+ wrote:On page 9 it notes that many Italian sporting federations have recently adopted regulations, notably the sailing federation which, unless otherwise expressely provided, refers to the principles of procedural criminal law of the State(!).
Somehow that does not explain the use of Comic Sans :P :P :P

Re: Italian cheating case (2012-2013)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 1:19 am
by BB+
It seems to me that most of the decision relates to the Federal Prosecutor's (?) claim that the appeal was not in proper form (either that it was untimely, or the required fee was not paid in time). This commentary says similarly: ... da-assolto
Somehow that does not explain the use of Comic Sans
"The typeface's widespread use, often in situations for which it was not intended, has been criticized." It turns out the ICGA Triennial Meeting is the first Friday of July in the Netherlands ("Comic Sans Day"), maybe I will suggest that the minutes be published in this font. :lol:

An English language commentary (with little content): ... sco-468549

Re: Italian cheating case (2012-2013)

Posted: Tue May 12, 2015 11:25 pm
by syzygy
So basically the available evidence left too many doubts for a "conviction".

With the help of Google translate I understand from the substantive part that Italian sport federations affliated with the Italian Olympic Committee (CONI) have recently adopted new disciplinary regulations modelled after Italian criminal procedural law, which in particular means that guilt has to be proved beyond reasonable doubt. It is not clear to me whether the appeal body of the Italian Chess Federation concludes that the same should apply to its own procedures or whether it refers to the other federations to explain that, even if it might not require "beyond reasonable doubt" itself, there really has to be some credible evidence, i.e. more than some scattered circumstantial evidence such as unexplained increases in Elo.

Re: Italian cheating case (2012-2013)

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:41 am
by BB+
syzygy wrote:It is not clear to me whether the appeal body of the Italian Chess Federation concludes that the same should apply to its own procedures or whether it refers to the other federations to explain that, even if it might not require "beyond reasonable doubt" itself, there really has to be some credible evidence, i.e. more than some scattered circumstantial evidence such as unexplained increases in Elo.
Ma persino senza arrivare a tale auspicabile livello, e volendo aderire alla tesi dell'autonomia e specialità della Giustizia Sportiva, in un procedimento indiziario come il presente non si può certamente dire raggiunta una prova anche solo sufficiente dell'illecito sportivo
My translation: Even without arriving at this auspicious level (of certitude/proceedings), and respecting the autonomous speciality of sportive justice, in a circumstantial (indiziario) proceeding as the present one, still the proof must at the very least meet a level sufficient for merely sportive offences (delicts).
In altri termini, l'assai scarno materiale probatorio, il ritardo è stato acquisito e la inevitabile quanto conseguente impossibilità di effettuare ulteriori indagini non fanno altro che portare elementi di ben più che ragionevole dubbio.
However, the scanty evidentiary material, the slowness in which it was acquired, and inevitably consequent impossibility of further investigations provide nothing but elements much beyond a reasonable doubt.
In particolare non vi è alcuna affidabile prova che nelle tre occasioni de quo ( solo su queste la Commissione è chiamata a pronunciarsi !) il Cereda abbia fatto uso di strumenti per trasmettere-ricevere istruzioni ed alterare il proprio livello di gioco.
In particular, there is no affidavitable evidence that for the 3 occasions in question (the only for which the Commission is called upon to pronounce!), that Cereda used receiver-transmitter tools to alter his level of play.
Le descrizioni del famigerato auricolare sono contrastanti, l'indicazione di strani occhiali non è nemmeno contenuta nel capo di deferimento e difetta ogni elemento anche solo per ricostruire cosa sia realmente avvenuto.
The descriptions of the famous ear device are contrasting, the indication of the strange glasses is not even contained in the head of the complaint(?), and lacks every element to reconstruct what really took place.
Quanto sopra concreta una obiettiva situazione di insuperabile incertezza, maggior ragione se si pone mente ai tempi di segnalazione troppo lontani dai fatti (6 mesi tra il primo ed il secondo episodio, 5 mesi tra il secondo ed il terzo), alla mancata immediata contestazione (eventualmente per evitare l'omologazione) ed al mancato coinvolgimento degli avversari del Cereda e dei Capitani delle altre squadre coinvolte negli incontri.
The above concretely is an objective situation of insuperable incertitude, the more so if one brings to mind the long time periods involved (6 months between the 1st and 2nd episode, 5 months between the 2nd and 3rd), the failure to bring immediate contestation (possibly to avoid sanctions), and lack of co-involvement of Cereda's adversaries and and the captains of other teams involved in the encounters.
Ogni questione relativa alla tanto investigabile quanto sospetta e repentina progressione ELO, peraltro ricollegabile ad altri eventi, si colloca, evidentemente, al di fuori di questo procedimento, delimitato, come su esposto, dal deferimento.
All questions related to the investigation of the suspicious and sudden ELO progression, however associated with other events, lies (evidently) outside the force of these proceedings, delimited, as stated above, in the deferrment (complaint/referral).