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Coffee Talk

Posted: Fri Apr 15, 2011 7:35 pm
by MoldyJacket
Welcome to Coffee Talk. I'm your host Linda Richman. On this show we talk about coffee, New York, chess…you know, no big whoop, just coffee talk.

My friend Paul Baldwin was hosting this show, but he’s still recuperating from shpilkis in his genechtagazoink down in Boca Raton, Florida. He’s doing nicely though, thank you very much.

As you know, Barbra Streisand once appeared on this show. She’s like two sticks of buttah! I'm getting a little verklempt just thinking about it…talk amongst yourselves…I'll give you a topic: Rybka is neither little nor fish. Discuss amooangst yooaselves.

The number is 555-4444. Give us a call, we'll talk, no big whoop.


Re: Coffee Talk

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:20 pm
by MoldyJacket
Well this sure went over like a lead balloon, I was hoping for a caller or two. I realize many don’t get or watch SNL, but I thought a few might Google and watch a few clips. Gezz, the butts are so tight around here you can’t drive a nail up’m with a hammer! :lol:

Has anyone tried the Schweddy Balls? The NPR girls highly recommended them.
Good times…