IJCCRL (Ibai,Jorgechesscomputerratinglist)

As in chess tournaments and matches...
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Joined: Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:13 pm
Real Name: Jorge Ruiz Centelles

IJCCRL (Ibai,Jorgechesscomputerratinglist)

Post by Desvelemosafrica » Fri Feb 23, 2024 4:14 pm

New rating list of original and commercial sse chess engines. I share with you the last test, before starting to carry out a test bank of 21,000 games with the UHO suite that we have been testing for weeks. Ibai Burgos, with the little time he has at his disposal, has created scripts, batches and different ways of approaching the tests according to the servers I have.

test 2. 1024 hash_160422

Test. 4º 4096 hash sse chess engines
https://ijccrl.online/test-4o-4096-hash ... s-engines/

Test of the first four sse engines finishers


We hope to be able to dedicate two hp proliant dl360pgen8 servers for blitz 180+2
and for 40+15s sse engines. In the future I hope to be able to expand to a fourth server with which I can run the same tests but with AVX. A cordial greeting.


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