Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

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Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

Post by OliveriQ » Tue Apr 12, 2022 8:05 pm

I clear my TT when the engine receives the command "ucinewgame". My assumption was that it shouldn't be printing the full PV line when I search for the second time since it's using the TT. But it is, and the PV line is also different. Could someone please explain this? Here's the output:

Code: Select all

go depth 10
info score cp 37 depth 1 nodes 27 time 0 pv e2e4 
info score cp 0 depth 2 nodes 110 time 0 pv e2e4 e7e5
info score cp 31 depth 3 nodes 374 time 1 pv e2e4 d7d5 b1c3
info score cp 0 depth 4 nodes 3316 time 12 pv e2e4 e7e5 b1c3 b8c6 
info score cp 29 depth 5 nodes 9536 time 30 pv b1c3 e7e5 d2d4 b8c6 g1f3
info score cp 0 depth 6 nodes 43996 time 117 pv b1c3 d7d5 d2d4 b8c6 g1f3 g8f6
info score cp 26 depth 7 nodes 57859 time 59 pv b1c3 d7d5 d2d4 b8c6 g1f3 g8f6 c1f4
info score cp 9 depth 8 nodes 171654 time 368 pv b1c3 d7d5 d2d4 b8c6 c1f4 e7e6 g1f3 g8f6
info score cp 18 depth 9 nodes 340683 time 629 pv b1c3 d7d5 d2d4 g8f6 g1f3 c8f5 c1f4 b8c6 e2e3
info score cp 20 depth 10 nodes 1438902 time 3128 pv e2e4 b8c6 b1c3 e7e6 d2d4 d7d5 g1f3 g8f6 c1g5 f8b4
bestmove e2e4
go depth 10
info score cp 20 depth 1 nodes 13 time 0 pv d2d3
info score cp 7 depth 2 nodes 84 time 1 pv e2e4 b8c6
info score cp 24 depth 3 nodes 173 time 0 pv e2e4 b8c6 d2d3
info score cp 21 depth 4 nodes 351 time 0 pv e2e4 b8c6 d2d4 e7e6
info score cp 18 depth 5 nodes 2426 time 9 pv e2e4 g8f6 d2d3 d7d5 b1c3
info score cp 8 depth 6 nodes 12746 time 41 pv e2e4 e7e5 d2d4 d7d5 f1b5 c7c6 b5e2
info score cp 7 depth 7 nodes 35573 time 74 pv e2e4 d7d5 e4d5 d8d5 d2d4 d5e4 c1e3 e7e5
info score cp 19 depth 8 nodes 70006 time 105 pv e2e4 b8c6 b1c3 e7e5 g1f3 g8f6 d2d4 d7d6
info score cp 21 depth 9 nodes 210090 time 404 pv e2e4 e7e6 g1f3 d7d5 b1c3 d5d4 c3b5 b8c6 f1c4
info score cp 18 depth 10 nodes 502471 time 863 pv e2e4 e7e6 g1f3 d7d5 e4d5 e6d5 b1c3 b8c6 d1e2 c8e6 d2d4
bestmove e2e4
My search code:

Code: Select all

package main

import (

// structure for engine search
type Search struct {
	timer TimeManager
	TT    TranspositionTable

	nodes uint64
	ply      int

	killers  [2][max_ply]Move
	history      [12][64]Move

	pv_length [max_ply]int
	pv_table  [max_ply][max_ply]Move

	follow_pv, score_pv  uint8

const (
	// maximum ply
	max_ply    int = 64

	// constant values for search
	infinity   int = 50000
	mate_value int = 49000
	mate_score int = 48000

	// LMR constants
	full_depth_moves int = 4
	reduction_limit  int = 3

	// no move (null move)
	null_move Move = 0

func (search *Search) quiescence(pos Position, alpha, beta int) int {
	// evaluation
	evaluation := evaluate(pos)

	// increment nodes

	// prevent index out of bounds of array
	if search.ply > max_ply - 1 {
		return evaluation

	// every 2048 nodes, check if time is up
	if (search.nodes & 2047) == 0 {

	// stop search if time is up
	if search.timer.stop == true {
		return 0

	// fail-hard beta cutoff
	if evaluation >= beta {
		// node (move) fails high
		return beta 

	// found better move
	if evaluation > alpha {
		// PV node (move)
		alpha = evaluation

	// move list
	moves := pos.generate_moves()

	// sort move list
	search.sort_moves(pos, &moves)

	for i := 0; i < moves.count; i++ {
		move := moves.list[i]

		// preserve board state

		// increment half move counter

		// skip if move is ilegal
		if !pos.make_move(move, only_captures) {

		// recursively call quiescence
		score := -search.quiescence(pos, -beta, -alpha)

		// take back move

		// decrement ply

		// fail-hard beta cutoff
		if score >= beta {
			// node (move) fails high
			return beta 

		// found better move
		if score > alpha {
			// PV node (move)
			alpha = score


	// node fails low
	return alpha

func (search *Search) negamax(pos Position, alpha, beta, depth int) int {
	// score of current position
	score := 0

	// define hash flag
	hash_flag := hash_flag_alpha

	// check if current node is PV node or not
	is_pv_node := beta - alpha > 1

	// read hash entry if we're not in a root ply and hash entry is available
    // and current node is not a PV node
	score = search.TT.read(pos.hash_key, alpha, beta, search.ply, uint8(depth))
	if search.ply > 0 && score != no_hash_entry && is_pv_node == false {
		// if the move has already been searched (hence has a value)
        // we just return the score for this move without searching it
		return score

	// every 2048 nodes, check if time is up
	if (search.nodes & 2047) == 0 {

	// stop search if time is up
	if search.timer.stop == true {
		return 0

	// initialize PV length
	search.pv_length[search.ply] = search.ply
	if depth == 0 {
		// search only captures
		return search.quiescence(pos, alpha, beta)

	// prevent index out of bounds of array
	if search.ply > max_ply - 1 {
		return evaluate(pos)

	// increment nodes

	// current side to move and opposite side
	var our_side, their_side = pos.side_to_move, other_side(pos.side_to_move)

	// is king in check
	king_square := pos.bitboards[get_piece_type(King, our_side)].bsf()
	in_check := is_square_attacked(king_square, their_side, pos)
	has_non_pawn_material := pos.non_pawn_material()

	// increase depth if king in check
	if in_check == true {

	// legal moves counter
	legal_moves := 0
	// null move pruning (only done if we don't have non pawn material)
	if depth >= 3 && in_check == false && search.ply > 0 && has_non_pawn_material == true {
		// preserve board state

		// increment ply

		// hash enpassant if available
		if pos.enpassant_square != NO_SQ {
			pos.hash_key ^= Zob.enpassant_keys[pos.enpassant_square]

		 // reset enpassant square
		pos.enpassant_square = NO_SQ

		// switch the side (give opponent extra move)
		pos.side_to_move = other_side(pos.side_to_move)

		// hash the side
		pos.hash_key ^= Zob.side_key

		// search moves with reduced depth to find beta cutoffs 
		score = -search.negamax(pos, -beta, -beta + 1, depth - 1 - 2);

		// decrement ply
        // restore board state

		// stop search if time is up
		if search.timer.stop == true {
			return 0

        // fail-hard beta cutoff
        if (score >= beta) {
            // node (position) fails high
            return beta;

	// move list
	moves := pos.generate_moves()

	// if we are following PV line
	if search.follow_pv == 1 {
		// enable PV move scoring

	// sort move list
	search.sort_moves(pos, &moves)

	// number of moves searched in move list
	moves_searched := 0

	for i := 0; i < moves.count; i++ {
		// get current move in move list
		move := moves.list[i]

		// preserve board state

		// increment half move counter
		// skip if move is ilegal
		if !pos.make_move(move, all_moves) {

		// increment legal moves

		// full depth search
		if moves_searched == 0 {
			// recursively call negamax normally
			score = -search.negamax(pos, -beta, -alpha, depth - 1)
		} else {
			// condition to consider LMR
			if moves_searched >= full_depth_moves && 
				depth >= reduction_limit && in_check == false &&
				 move.get_move_capture() == 0 && move.get_move_promoted() == 0 {
				// search current move with reduced depth
				score = -search.negamax(pos, -alpha - 1, -alpha, depth - 2)
			} else {
				// hack to ensure that full-depth search is done
				score = alpha + 1

			// PV search
			if score > alpha {
				score = -search.negamax(pos, -alpha - 1, -alpha, depth - 1)
				// check for failure
				if (score > alpha) && (score < beta) {
					score = -search.negamax(pos, -beta, -alpha, depth - 1)

		// take back move

		// increment moves searched

		// decrement ply

		// fail-hard beta cutoff
		if score >= beta {
			// store hash entry with the score equal to beta
			search.TT.store(pos.hash_key, uint8(depth), hash_flag_beta, beta, search.ply)

			// only quiet moves
			if move.get_move_capture() == 0 {
				// store killer moves
				search.killers[1][search.ply] = search.killers[0][search.ply]
				search.killers[0][search.ply] = move

			// node (move) fails high
			return beta 

		// found better move
		if score > alpha {
			// switch hash flag from storing score for fail-low node
            // to the one storing score for PV node
            hash_flag = hash_flag_exact
			// only quiet movesgo
			if move.get_move_capture() == 0 {
				// store history moves
				search.history[move.get_move_piece()][move.get_move_target()] += Move(depth)

			// PV node (move)
			alpha = score

			// write PV move to table
			search.pv_table[search.ply][search.ply] = move

			// copy move from deeper ply into current ply's line
			for next_ply := search.ply + 1; next_ply < search.pv_length[search.ply + 1]; next_ply++ {
				search.pv_table[search.ply][next_ply] = search.pv_table[search.ply + 1][next_ply]

			// adjust PV length
			search.pv_length[search.ply] = search.pv_length[search.ply + 1]

	// no legal moves in current position
	if legal_moves == 0 {
		// king is in check
		if in_check == true {
			return -mate_value + search.ply
		// if not, then statelmate
		return 0

	// store hash entry with the score equal to alpha
	search.TT.store(pos.hash_key, uint8(depth), hash_flag, alpha, search.ply)

	// node (move) fails low
	return alpha

func (search *Search) position(pos Position, depth int) {
	// initialize best move to no move
	best_move := null_move

	// last iteration score
	prev_score := 0

	// start search timer

	// reset search info

	// initial alpha, beta bounds
	alpha := -infinity
	beta  :=  infinity

	// iterative deepening
	for current_depth := 1; current_depth <= depth; current_depth++ {
		// enable follow PV flag
		search.follow_pv = 1

		// start a search timer
		start_time := time.Now()

		// find best move within position
		score := search.negamax(pos, alpha, beta, current_depth)

		// end a search timer
		end_time := time.Since(start_time)

		if search.timer.stop == true {
			if best_move == null_move && current_depth == 1 {
				best_move = search.pv_table[0][0]

		// adjust aspiration window technique
        if (score <= alpha) || (score >= beta) {
            alpha = -infinity;    
            beta  = infinity;      

        alpha = score - 50;
        beta = score + 50;

		// If the score between this current iteration and the last iteration drops,
		// take more time on the current search to make sure we find the best move.
		if current_depth > 1 && prev_score > score && prev_score-score >= 30 {
			search.timer.set_soft_time_for_move(search.timer.soft_time_for_move * 13 / 10)

		// save current best move
		best_move = search.pv_table[0][0]

		// if PV is available
		if search.pv_length[0] > 0 {
			// print search info
			if score > -mate_value && score < -mate_score {
				fmt.Print("info score mate ", -(score + mate_value) / 2 - 1, " depth ", current_depth)
				fmt.Print(" nodes ", search.nodes, " time ", end_time.Milliseconds(), " pv ")
			} else if score > mate_score && score < mate_value {
				fmt.Print("info score mate ", (mate_value - score) / 2 + 1, " depth ", current_depth)
				fmt.Print(" nodes ", search.nodes, " time ", end_time.Milliseconds(), " pv ")
			} else {
				fmt.Print("info score cp ", score, " depth ", current_depth)
				fmt.Print(" nodes ", search.nodes, " time ", end_time.Milliseconds(), " pv ")

		// loop over moves within PV line
		for count := 0; count < search.pv_length[0]; count++ {
			// print PV move
			fmt.Print(" ")


		// set previous score to current score
		prev_score = score

	fmt.Print("bestmove ")

func (search *Search) reset_info() {
	// reset search info
	search.ply       = 0
	search.nodes     = 0
	search.follow_pv = 0
	search.score_pv  = 0

	// reset killers array
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < 64; j++ {
			search.killers[i][j] = Move(0)

	// reset history array
	for i := 0; i < 12; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < 64; j++ {
			search.history[i][j] = Move(0)

	// reset PV length array
	for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
		search.pv_length[i] = 0

	// reset PV table array
	for i := 0; i < 64; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < 64; j++ {
			search.pv_table[i][j] = Move(0)

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Re: Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

Post by Anonymous.. » Mon Jul 04, 2022 9:51 am

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Re: Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

Post by Anonymous.. » Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:03 am

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Re: Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

Post by Anonymous.. » Mon Jul 04, 2022 10:18 am

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Re: Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

Post by Anonymous.. » Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:18 am

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Re: Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

Post by Anonymous.. » Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:27 am

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Re: Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

Post by Anonymous.. » Mon Jul 04, 2022 11:31 am

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Re: Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

Post by Anonymous.. » Tue Jul 05, 2022 12:54 pm

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Re: Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

Post by Anonymous.. » Tue Jul 05, 2022 1:00 pm

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Re: Why is my engine printing the full PV line when using TTs?

Post by Anonymous.. » Tue Jul 05, 2022 1:03 pm

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