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Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 10:40 pm
by quantum
I wanted to do some testing between two stockfish versions. I therefore downloaded precompiled packages of cutchess-cli 32/64bit Linux.

When I try to run any of them I get the following message. However the missing lib can be found in the lib subdirectory.

Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong so far?

tobias@brutus:~/Downloads/cutechess-cli$ ./cutechess-cli
./cutechess-cli: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Re: cutechess-cli

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:39 am
by BB+
However the missing lib can be found in the lib subdirectory.
This is not easy to debug remotely... Maybe the program checks /usr/lib rather than /lib or something? I would probably run strace and see where it is looking for the lib, though I'd guess there's a better utility for dependency-checking (such as ldd -v, somehow?).

Indeed, I downloaded cutechess myself, and got the same problem:
$ ldd cutechess-cli => not found
So it seems the loader doesn't know to look in the local lib directory. There are various ways to fix this, such as including lib in something like the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. Or by copying the cutechess libs into a standard place (like /lib, or /usr/lib).

Re: cutechess-cli

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 5:21 pm
by Ilari Pihlajisto
There's a file named included in the package. If you run that instead of the binary, it should work. Alternatively you can set LD_LIBRARY_PATH to "./lib" like BB+ said.

Re: cutechess-cli

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:54 pm
by quantum
I run strace and copied the libraries to one of the suggested places. Now cutechess does a nice job :)

Re: cutechess-cli

Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 11:55 am
by quantum

my computer stands near my bed. I hate the fan noises so I shut it down everytime I go to bed.

I want to now if there is a way to pause a match with cutechess and resume the next day.


Re: cutechess-cli

Posted: Mon May 21, 2012 10:22 am
by Ilari Pihlajisto
quantum wrote:Hi,

my computer stands near my bed. I hate the fan noises so I shut it down everytime I go to bed.

I want to now if there is a way to pause a match with cutechess and resume the next day.

Unfortunately cutechess-cli doesn't save the progress of the match anywhere but the PGN file, so it's not possible to resume a tournament. But if you're running a match between two engines you can always terminate the match cleanly with CTRL+C and later start a new one with the same PGN output file.

Re: cutechess-cli

Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 10:45 am
by ThinkingALot
I encountered the following problem running matches with cutechess-cli 0.6.0.
I use a .bat file to run cutechess-cli (Server 2008 R2 x64 OS):

Code: Select all

cutechess-cli -engine name=Gull cmd=Gull.exe -engine name=GullR491 cmd=GullR491.exe -each proto=uci tc=inf depth=7 option.Hash=16 option.Contempt=0 option.Threads=1 restart=off -draw movenumber=20 movecount=3 score=0 -resign movecount=2 score=350 -repeat -openings file=op.epd format=epd -pgnout games.pgn min -rounds 80000 -concurrency 4 -ratinginterval 1
Restart=off. Nevertheless some of the engine instances keep restarting. How to fix this?

Re: cutechess-cli

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:37 am
by lucasart
quantum wrote:I wanted to do some testing between two stockfish versions. I therefore downloaded precompiled packages of cutchess-cli 32/64bit Linux.

When I try to run any of them I get the following message. However the missing lib can be found in the lib subdirectory.

Can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong so far?

tobias@brutus:~/Downloads/cutechess-cli$ ./cutechess-cli
./cutechess-cli: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The easiest solution is to make static compiles (ie. cutechess-cli and cutechess GUI will both include cutechess-lib in the executable, so you avoid the problem of declaring where the lib is). Step by step instruction:

Code: Select all

$ git clone
$ cd cutechess
$ qmake -config static
$ make
This will compile both cutechess-cli and cutechess (GUI).

Pre-requisite: You need to have the following packages installed before
* git
* qt4-dev-tools (a bulky download unfortunately)
* g++ and make (if not already included by qt4-dev-tools)

It is best to compile yourself, because anytime a bugfix is available you can just use a 'git pull' and recompile with qmake and make, rather than wait for months/years for an official compile to come out.

Re: cutechess-cli

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:17 am
by H.G.Muller
quantum wrote:Hi,

my computer stands near my bed. I hate the fan noises so I shut it down everytime I go to bed.

I want to now if there is a way to pause a match with cutechess and resume the next day.

Note that WinBoard / XBoard does allow such interruption and resumption of a match when you run it as a tournament (i.e. specify a tournament file when you set it up through the Tournament Options dialog). You can interrupt a running tourney by cliking the 'Mode->Machine Match' menu item, in which case it drops out of match mode after the current game, or by simply closing XBoard (in which case you lose the game in progress).

The next day you can then simply restart the tourney by double-clicking the tourney file.

If you were using concurrency, you would have to do that multiple times (as many times as the number of playing agents you want), just like you had to do to get the concurrency in the first place.

For doing ultra-fast games, XBoard should be run with the option -noGUI, or it would be significantly slower that cutechess-cli.

Note the most recent XBoard also has a Pause mode during a game for when you leave power on (for if you quickly want to do something that requires heavy CPU) using the P button or 'Pause' key.

Re: cutechess-cli

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:35 pm
by ChessDrone
Anyway to have a graphical interface to configure and launch it on windows?